Geometry and Quantum Theory (GQT)

Welcome to the homepage of the Geometry and Quantum Theory (GQT) cluster.

GQT is one of the four national Dutch mathematical research clusters. Initially funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) and the Universities of Amsterdam, Utrecht and Nijmegen, now GQT also counts with several representatives in Leiden, Groningen, Vrije Universiteit and TU Delft and is funded by the mathematics departments of the Dutch universities.

Thematically, GQT is home to research lines with a geometric flavour. This includes Topology, Differential, Symplectic, Algebraic and Noncommutative geometry, Lie Theory, Representation Theory, Geometric Analysis, Quantum Theory as well as areas from other fields connected to these topics. Particularly prominent are the connections to quantum field theory, string theory, and quantization.

The cluster supports research at all these areas as well as interdisciplinary activities with physics. We fund national workshops and conferences on those themes and organise yearly the GQT school and colloquium, which has aims of educating PhD students in broad GQT topics, divulging GQT related topics among Dutch mathematicians and strengthening the social bonds of our community.


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