A list of postdoc positions available in GQT related areas.

Postdoc position opening in Prague
There will be a postdoc opening within the scope of my grant “Applications of generalised geometry in string and M-theory” at the Mathematical Institute of Charles University in Prague this October, for more details see The application deadline is on March 28.
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Postdoc and Professor positions in math and physics at Kyiv School of Economics
The Kyiv School of Economics (KSE) is opening vacancies for postdoctoral researchers and professors in mathematics and mathematical physics.Apply by 31 January for the postdoc positions.Apply by 28 February for the professor position. These positions are supported by the Simons Foundation. The newly hired faculty members will play a leading role in establishing a global…
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Postdoc positions at the Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences
Dear friends and colleagues, I would like to inform you that a competition was announced for positions for young mathematicians at the Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences. The application deadline is May 16, 2024. For details see the web page Best regards, Janusz Grabowski
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